
The 9th Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements is proud to announce that the EnvIMEKO event will be held in a hybrid format. EnvIMEKO will take place under the slogan “A healthy environment for a healthy life” and will provide a platform for scientists, scholars, engineers and students from universities and industries to discuss together about innovations and improvements on environmental data acquisition, monitoring and analysis. The latest evolutions in the pollution of air and water or the global warming challenge scientists to work on new methods to be able to detect and react to the current conditions. Authors are invited to submit 2- pages extended abstract for oral or poster presentation . They will be published, if accepted, in the symposium proceedings. Full papers (4-6 pages including references) are eligible for post-publication in book series and in international reputed journals (ACTA IMEKO; Measurement - Elsevier, International Journal of Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering; IET Science Measurement Technology).

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